About This Site

Welcome to Fosdick’s Astrobiology website …

Astrobiology from the Ground Up!


This site is not: topic by topic, in-depth.  If you want a full, link-rich presentation on a particular topic in or related to astrobiology, there is, in particular, the wonderful resource of Wikipedia, with its many well-organized, detail-rich articles.

And it is also not: scattered, trending articles.  If you’re a seasoned astrobiology enthusiast, and you want a magazine-like collection of highly specific, trending articles and current events info, there are a few websites like that out there for you.

Grounding: what if you’re a scientifically-inclined person interested in astrobiology, and you want, under one roof, a place where you can explore and obtain a fast, concise but serious basic grounding in any of numerous areas of astrobiology that may interest you, in an entertaining fashion?  At its core, this site targets that small niche, and you.

Fosdick’s Astrobiology Exhibit in Second Life

Fosdick in his Astrobiology Exhibit virtual building in the steampunk City of New Babbage in Second Life (coordinates: 213, 57, 106).

This website is related to Fosdick’s Astrobiology Exhibit in the online virtual world of Second Life.  Fosdick is this website author’s character there (“Fosdick” is the character’s display name; the character’s true name is ElectronicDetectiveSubstitute).

The steampunk-themed virtual city of New Babbage in Second Life is itself a tribute to the intelligence and creativity of its inhabitants and builders.  It seemed an inviting place to build a virtual “exhibit” on topics in astrobiology.  After starting on that project (which still continues), the idea for this website emerged.

Fosdick's Astrobiology Exhibit virtual building (the eyesore building on the left, next to the quaint, inviting-looking building) in the steampunk City of New Babbage in Second Life (coordinates: 213, 57, 106).
Fosdick’s Astrobiology Exhibit virtual building (the eyesore building in the center, next to the quaint, inviting-looking building) in the steampunk City of New Babbage in Second Life (coordinates: 213, 57, 106).

© 2015 Fosdick EDS


DISCLAIMER: An effort has been made to present accurate information on this site; however, no guarantee or representation is made in this regard.

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